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Queen Elizabeth II Primary School, Pomeroy


2018/2019 School Year

5th Dec 2018
If your child is starting pre-school or primary school in September 2019, you can...
25th Oct 2018
Delicious buns made at Cookery Club yesterday. 
18th Oct 2018
P1-P4 have been busy learning about Dinosaurs.  Don't they look great -very...
18th Oct 2018
This term P5-P7 are learning about trees as their World Around Us topic.  We...
18th Oct 2018
This year, our boys and girls are taking part in the 'Golden Mile'.  All pupils...
3rd Oct 2018
The School council will be serving toast (50p) and banana and toast (70p) tomorrow...
19th Sep 2018
Electricity is now on at school (8.30pm) see everyone in the morning. 
1st Sep 2018
Missing from dinner menu Wednesday : chicken curry and rice or fish fingers, sweetcorn,...